Saturday, September 25, 2010

Easing Intellectual Property Rigidity.

This talented sketch presentation is very interesting and it is likely to intrigue each person who views it. Of course each viewer enters into that encounter with a unique perspective and that is what will be thoughtfully stimulated. In that sense the learning process activated by this sketch presentation follows the same pattern described in the presentation!

However, the invisible source where the ideas come from, which then appear in the human mind even when it is stewed on for a length of time, is not addressed. The fact that it is boundless and accessible to every human being makes claims to ownership a vain imagining. That does not diminish the great station that deservedly belongs to those who exercise their entrepreneurial spirit!
It appears to me that understanding the true wonders of pure entrepreneurship - which bring things from the invisible world into the visible world - without trying to institutionalize its ephemeral character will ease some of the rigidity of defining intellectual property.
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