Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Youthful Eye For The Secrets Of The Universe!

This is true not only for gadgets but for theoretical innovations also!

And the good thing about it is that the young, idealistic, and inquisitive minds will always be with us.

Capital is a perfect proof that this is so! Hence, civilization will always advance.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

How Best To Make Airlines Secure!

When will the customers of the airlines demand their right to be protected by the airline? It would be remarkable if people refused to fly unless and until the airlines take over control of securing the safety of the planes.

It goes like this: "I refuse to fly on any airline that is not protected solely by the property owner. I want myself and my property to be protected by the property owner, not by some bumbling bureaucracy with no direct interest in the property of the airline."

If enough people correspond directly with the airlines, telling them why buying airline tickets will come to a halt, then the slow nationalization of the airlines will come to a halt. This will force the hand of the fascist/socialists, causing them to either back off or blatantly accelerate their nationalization.

It will either be a victory for the cause of human rights/property rights and of liberty or it will be a clear signal to the American people that the unConstitutional coup is nothing but a criminal ring of economic terrorists that need to be stopped.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

States Rights Are Gaining Importance!

Not only is this important for the future - to facilitate the establishment of classical liberalism societies working together all around the world peacefully and prosperously - but it is vitally important now to prevent the annihilation of the Constitutional Republic in America.

The unConstitutional coup is uncontrollably expanding under the incompetent watch of the Congress. These elected representatives - Congress - are either beholden to the unConstitutional coup by some corrupt arrangement or they are so thoroughly indoctrinated by the propaganda that they regarded as their 'education' throughout their lives that they have become imbecilic. Either way they sit idle as the Constitution is trampled upon and slashed and even defecated upon by the traitorous unConstitutional coup.

There is a hierarchy in this corrupt system of government and the States are fed only table scraps. Now as socialism and fascism intensifies even the scraps are consumed so the States are in danger of facing an irate citizenry in a weakened and hungry condition. The States are juxtaposed in between the citizens and the higher-ups (the coup and its minions), that is, the economic terrorists directing the expansion of the powers of the unConstitutional coup.

This position of the States - starving yet exposed - is being recognized by the States. At last they are coming to the realization that things are backwards. The States are supposed to be the principal representative level of government in our Constitutional Republic.

It is the right and responsibility of the States to prevent (but now to terminate) the coup. The first step, which is now being taken, is to expose the illegality of all the layers of corruption associated with the unConstitutional coup.

The next step is to recognize that it is time for real "change." It is time for Constitutional change. It is time to restore the full Constitutional rights to the States in our Constitutional Republic.

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Out-Of-Control Federal Debt Will Destroy A Nation.

It would be much more realistic to briefly mention in the video the 2070 estimates of the Congressional Budget Office and then speak about a few of the unrealistic assumptions used. I am sure one assumption is the existence of the dollar as a currency of value in the year 2070. This is a complete farce!

Once that absurdity is addressed then the detrimental consequences of a national debt out-of-control can be further discussed as an example of what causes a nation to fall apart.

This is then a good transition into the discussion about whether federal debt is ever a good thing. Since humans are subjective it is practically impossible to have an instance where everyone is in agreement about any one endeavor. Of course I am presuming that human civilization advances and eliminates the outworn institutions that cause wars.

Therefore no government at the federal level has any economic role and so the question of federal debt becomes moot.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Power Of Liberty In A Contractual Society.

I choose "Man, as responsible and worthy of freedom." It is the eventual outcome of our transformation from the immature stage to the mature stage.

The immature stage is easily understood as a state of latency. Just like the catepillar or the acorn the potential is there but until the time arrives the old environment is dominant. Once the time arrives the environment is either changed by the emergence or it is left behind.

When the time arrives - when a critical mass is educated and/or receptive to the power of liberty in a contractual society - "Man" will be responsible and worthy of freedom.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What About Property Rights In Afghanistan?

It was wise of Ron Paul to have these schemers squirm around the words that they try to use to confuse others and to justify their war crimes.

Next time, Ron, ask Hillary and Gates to do their best to tell the American people why they think that Afghanistan is not a quagmire!!!

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Pass Along This Educational Tool!

Here is a very nice animation demonstrating the importance of understanding that property rights are human rights and that human rights are property rights:

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Quality Hardwoods For Quality Guitars Is Now A Crime.

This is an example of, and an outcome of, why Keynesianism was so readily adopted around the world even though it is economic quackery.

Keynesianism (empowered) and empowers the ones who have lusted after and attained political power. They do not want to be constrained by economic laws and so they are all in favor of Keynesianism which simply ignores economic laws in favor of ego-driven interventionism. Property rights are not a part of Keynesianism, other than the confiscation of property rights for ego-driven intervention uses.

In the perverse Keynesian world, such as we live in today, the absence of the protection of private property rights leads to unsustainable exploitation of valuable resources all around the world which leads to further violations of property rights by the 'goons' who are blindly expanding the ego-driven intervention perpetuated by the monsters created by the quackery of Keynes.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Is Congress Untrustworthy With Regards Health Care?

It is not wise to trust the untrustworthy. Give an inch to a disreputable one and you give up all of your rights.

Buried deep in the 'lie and oppress' health care bill is the stealthy extraction of property rights and human rights.

Do not sit idle while the parasites multiply and try to attach at more and more sites to extract more and more until the host completely succumbs to the economic terrorism of the unConstitutional coup.

Make sure that every elected representative that you have the fortitude to contact knows that you will hold them accountable.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Property Rights And Human Rights In Health Care!

Physician and Congressman and statesman and classical liberalism scholar Ron Paul protects property rights and human rights as part of his health care proposals:

  1. Allowing families to claim a tax credit for the rising cost of health insurance premiums. With many families now spending close to $1,000 or even more for their monthly premiums, they need real tax relief – including a dollar-for-dollar credit for every cent they spend on health care premiums – to make medical care more affordable.
  2. A dollar-for-dollar tax credit that permits consumers to purchase "negative outcomes" insurance prior to undergoing surgery or other serious medical treatments. Negative outcomes insurance is a novel approach that guarantees those harmed receive fair compensation, while reducing the burden of costly malpractice litigation on the health care system. Patients receive this insurance payout without having to endure lengthy lawsuits, and without having to give away a large portion of their award to a trial lawyer. This also drastically reduces the costs imposed on physicians and hospitals by malpractice litigation. Individuals can purchase negative outcomes insurance at essentially no cost.
  3. A $500 per child tax credit for medical expenses and prescription drugs that are not reimbursed by insurance. Create a $3,000 tax credit for dependent children with terminal illnesses, cancer, or disabilities. Parents who are struggling to pay for their children's medical care, especially when those children have serious health problems or special needs, need every extra dollar. Waive the employee portion of Social Security payroll taxes (or self-employment taxes) for individuals with documented serious illnesses or cancer. Suspend Social Security taxes for primary caregivers with a sick spouse or child. There is no justification or excuse for collecting Social Security taxes from sick individuals who literally are fighting for their lives.

For a free market health care alternative go to

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Bogus Swine Flu 'National Emergency' Expands Socialism And Fascism.

It is part of the strategy of the unConstitutional coup to gain more control over private property rights (socialism) and to reward those industries that do their bidding (fascism). So with a tug on one of their strings the chief puppet makes the appropriate moves!

Will you be able to enter an airport if you are not immunized, regardless of whether you own a flight ticket? As more places come under the control (socialism) of the unConstitutional coup they will mandate that everyone pay their 'dues' by forcing everyone to purchase goods and services from their benefactors (fascism).

The puppets and pawns (in other words, the corrupt politicians) are peons simply doing the bidding of the main enemy. The true enemy is the unConstitutional coup. Who are the economic terrorists that comprise the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup?

Find out their names and make them known.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Human Right Of Doctor / Patient Relationships!

Secession is sweet in whatever form it comes.

Secession is nothing more than regaining the State sovereignty granted in the Constitution.

Will health care actually be the catalyst for this "change?"

We all know it is time for change!

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Reporting Dissenting Views To The 'Authorities' Is Like Nazism!

The absurdity of the power grab is getting extreme.

Where is the human right of free speech and open discussion of opinion?

Do the ones in power want to claim ownership of your thoughts and deny you your speech?

Even though the wealth of thorough history is greatly narrowed in the government funded 'education' still it is well known that in Nazi Germany and in communist Soviet Union that people lived in fear and suspicion because the government wanted to crush dissent.

The peaceful alternative to this oppression and paranoia is liberty!

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Incumbents Are Careless About Your Human Rights!

"Er... How can you say government has nothing? You have me looking out for you, don't you? I vote for things that I don't read which consequently piles tax burdens on you but it is for the good, for the good of those who use political power to their advantage.

And now I come to this town meeting and you all seem unappreciative, like you want to exercise political power without our consent. Believe me, we know what is best for you."

Response: The 'mob of angry citizens' promises to this incumbent that his days of lazy, unconstitutional action are finished.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

No Human Rights In Socialism!

Socialism is a myth as you can see. It is nothing more than a two class system composed of the oppressed and the oppressor. The oppressor class regulates rather than being regulated by the market.

Socialism is a perversion of the economy, it is ego-driven interventionism, and it is immoral!

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

What Is Anti-Liberalism?

Q: What is anti-liberalism?

A: Anti-liberalism is the manifestation of any and all political systems that do not recognize that property rights are human rights. It is the violation of these human rights that represents anti-liberalism.

After stating what it truly means to be a liberal thinker it quickly becomes clear that the term 'liberal' has been hijacked and corrupted by the ego-driven interpreters and the ego-driven interventionists.

The ego-driven interpreters and the ego-driven interventionists violate property rights to serve themselves politically. They are violators of human rights in deed but often their rhetoric (or more precise - their propaganda) portrays them as standing up for human rights. Their deeds prove that they are liars, and for that matter thieves also.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lying Politicians Promise Pony Rides!

Senator Ben Cardin is such a political creature that he does not hear nor understand the absurd words and the associated concepts that come out of his mouth. Sleaze politicians just spout rhetoric and have no substance behind what they say. They have one goal and will say anything to attain that goal. They want to promise everyone a pony ride to get their vote.

As long as voters are simpletons this works.

When in amongst the simpletons people of discernment stand and speak it strikes almost like a revelation!

It is not a revelation, it is a revolution!

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

All Wars Violate Property Rights And Human Rights.

Oppose the thought of war with a thought of peace.

Those who are ego-driven violate this wisdom and are a scourge on mankind.

The ego-driven try to justify their war by saying that it is for the sake of peace. Do not believe this half-truth, it is really just a type of propaganda used by the ego-driven.

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Erosion Control Is Not Just An Ecological Issue!

As socialism and fascism increase property rights are eroded.

As socialism and fascism increase human rights are eroded.

In ecological circles the violators are accused of raping the land!

Question: Who are the ones raping the civilization that is based upon property rights and contracts?

Answer: The politicians who are acting like ego-driven interventionists, the empirical economists who are acting like ego-driven interpreters, and in the United States it is the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup which is acting like a clan of economic terrorists desperately seeking international monetary hegemony.

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