Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sovereignty Of Israel Is Essentially Part Of Their Property Rights.

When individuals give up the essence of their property rights - through taxation (or subsidization) and regulation - they become a serf, sometimes living with the illusion of possessing property rights. But when push comes to shove and the final decision is made then the illusion turns into disillusionment but by then it is too late. For example, try to claim that all of your income belongs to you!

The same is true with State sovereignty within the domain of imperialism. The best way for Israel to exercise its sovereignty is to free itself from the subsidization and regulation of its overlord and to do it diplomatically. However, this diplomatic solution is not on the table as long as the United States is in a "bomb & bribe first, ask questions later" mode.

There is a statesman and scholar of classical liberalism that is on the brink of becoming President, one who thoroughly understands property rights and national sovereignty, who will pursue diplomatic solutions, who will encourage trade freely and abundantly throughout the region, and who will stop the weapons racket that is destabilizing the region.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

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or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

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