Thursday, December 29, 2011

Can A Peaceful Breakfast Be A Property Right/Human Right?

Ron Paul and his supporters are working hard to put together a campaign designed to educate and re-educate the people of America about their ideological roots in classical liberalism. That is not an easy job since the usurpers of our Constitutional Republic have been piling on socialism and fascism and propagandizing multiple generations of Americans.

Out of decency let us grant Ron Paul the reflective moments he needs while he takes in his sustenance. Fortified, the champion of the Constitution will then take his ethics and knowledge into the field to battle the unConstitutional coup's legions of schemers and spin doctors, and more importantly Ron Paul will touch the hearts and minds of every person who is awake enough to recognize the glory of liberty and justice.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Rights And Responsibilities Of Free Speech.

The issue of free speech in private or public places is still only a partial one. Holisitcally human beings have rights (this is the half being addressed) but they also have responsibilities! As mature human beings there is another natural restraint in addition to respect for free speech and property rights and that restraint is acting responsibly, which implies wisdom. Of course this wisdom develops best in the environment described in the divine economy theory but even in lesser conditions (in other words, hampered in some way) wisdom advances as the ethics develops, as it does since humans have an affinity for and benefit from social cooperation.

The combination of the right of free speech, and the degree of responsibility consonant with the ethics of the times brings about balance and serves to confirm the following identity: human rights are property rights and property rights are human rights.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Property Rights Resource For You And For Me!

Of course that means that it is a resource that is built upon the voluntary social cooperation that occurs in a market economy!
For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Saturday, December 10, 2011

International Human Rights (Property Rights) Day!

Worst: General ignorance of the fact that, indeed, property rights are the mirror images of human rights and therefore the greatest threat to and the greatest oppressor of human rights (property rights) is the State.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sovereignty Of Israel Is Essentially Part Of Their Property Rights.

When individuals give up the essence of their property rights - through taxation (or subsidization) and regulation - they become a serf, sometimes living with the illusion of possessing property rights. But when push comes to shove and the final decision is made then the illusion turns into disillusionment but by then it is too late. For example, try to claim that all of your income belongs to you!

The same is true with State sovereignty within the domain of imperialism. The best way for Israel to exercise its sovereignty is to free itself from the subsidization and regulation of its overlord and to do it diplomatically. However, this diplomatic solution is not on the table as long as the United States is in a "bomb & bribe first, ask questions later" mode.

There is a statesman and scholar of classical liberalism that is on the brink of becoming President, one who thoroughly understands property rights and national sovereignty, who will pursue diplomatic solutions, who will encourage trade freely and abundantly throughout the region, and who will stop the weapons racket that is destabilizing the region.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Politicians Use The Word "Democracy" To Oppress The Masses.

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it comes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism – ownership by government by an individual, by a group." a quote of FDR

Those words are not true in the combinations that they are used, plus the intention of the words chosen by such an ego-driven interventionist is not what it seems to the innocent people who have been bamboozled by the word 'democracy.'

Democracy is either mob rule or it is the free market, but the propaganda of the State has taught people that the free market is unsavory. So the double-speak of this ego-driven interventionist (FDR) alludes to the liberty of ‘mob rule.’
It is true that this mob rule (liberty of democracy) is not safe if people tolerate the growth of private power (in other words, individual liberty like property rights) exactly because individual liberty is what can restrain and conquer the State (which grows at the expense of individual liberty).

The essence of fascism is crony capitalism which can only exist as a form of socialism, perhaps masked by the illusion of ‘democracy’ where the people are fooled into the mob rule of the political class who then ‘go to bed’ with special interests thereby creating the fascism of crony capitalism.

Democracy is a word that can mean something good or something bad (even though miseducation has made it appear that it solitarily has a good meaning). The State created this miseducation and it perpetuates the myth.

  For more information go to my newly renovated website.
If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Democracy Is A Word Used By Demagogues.

Democracy is a word used by demagogues to pursue their socialistic designs. In the political realm democracy is a vile thing - democracy killed Socrates, democracy killed Jesus. To understand the beauty of democracy it is necessary to recognize that the free market is a reflection of the votes of the people for the things that they desire. As you can see, then, the socialism of political democracy is diametrically opposed to the free market and so are the demagogues like FDR. What also is essential to understand is this identity that is part of the human reality: human rights are property rights and property rights are human rights!

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ludwig von Mises In Brasil Works For Property Rights.

Refinement of property rights was a lost art when Brazil formed and so those rights were violated. The ego-driven interventionists in one form or another has claimed those rights and now it is in the hands of the State - no surprise there! Now is the time to begin to refine and define property rights so justice and liberty can prevail in the world.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

Friday, July 8, 2011

How Much Do You Value The Internet?

Another way of looking at this is by asking this question: which would you prefer, to be a latent human being or an active human being? How much money would it take for you to eradicate your vital and inherent nature to search for truth?

This is bad news for the interventionists and their institutions because the seeking nature of humans has finally been released from bondage and now all of the unethical and oppressive schemes by the interventionists are being scrutinized and being deemed unjust.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Justin Beiber Phenomenon.

The scientific explanation is that Justin Beiber is a human being with human potential, and perchance the discovery of special characteristics via the flow of information may fortuitously occur as part of the market process, which can manifest itself as a marketable good or service. Skill in directing resources can lead to further success.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{The exciting news is that I have published the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series and I am in the process of developing its website!}

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mises Institutes Around The World And Hearing Ron Paul's Message.

National borders are ephemeral, especially relative to the human cry for liberty and justice. That is why the international interest in and enthusiasm for Ron Paul's candidacy can play a significant role in the ideological change that needs to and is taking place in America. Not only is it important and wonderful that there are Mises Institutes cropping up all over the world but a universal recognition of the greatest statesman in modern times will also make a big difference. Ron Paul is not an American phenomenon; he is a scholar of classical liberalism, a principled individual who knows that the advancement of human civilization rests upon property rights and noninterventionism, and he is an Austrian economist in the Misesean and Rothbardian tradition.

The world needs Ron Paul just as much as America!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{The exciting news is that I am about to publish the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series!}

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ron Paul Protects Property Rights And Human Rights!

If you are wondering what Ron Paul is teaching to everyone who encounters the message of his Presidential campaign just listen to this interview on the CNBC 'Squawk Box.'

The more Ron Paul gets his message out the more invigorated will be the American spirit in the hearts and minds of the numbed and dumbed down citizens who are the by-products of government propaganda (the U.S. education system). Awakened - there will be another American Revolution. Thank God!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{The exciting news is that I am about to publish the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series!}

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Buy Local And Use Whatever Means Does That The Best.

Wherever you are must be your location, and your location that immediately surrounds you necessarily is considered local, and whatever means you choose to use to buy anything that you want necessarily originates from you "wherever you are."

In other words, you could buy something from anywhere on this planet and still be buying locally because nothing is more local than originating from you yourself. The fact is that every acting person can only and always does buy local!!!!!!!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{The exciting news is that I am about to publish the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series!}

Thursday, May 5, 2011

All Economic Regulations Are Immoral.

There is absolutely no moral authority for any economic intervention and so every one of these bureaucrats and every one of these regulations are corruptions, immoral in essence, and their fruit can only be rotten!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Monday, April 11, 2011

Object To The Political Prisoners In America.

Peter Schiff tells the story of one political prisoner on his radio show and on his video blog. The government is staging kangaroo courts to persecute innocents.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Congress Is Cowardly And Shamefully Negligent!!!

When a nation is cowardly it is an easy prey. We have the savage beast of socialism and fascism salivating all over our precious Constitution. So thick is that salivation that it spits in the face of Congress!

And what response does it get from the cowardly Congress? Silence, passivity in ethics, and negligence while it watches American troops die and kill and suffer injuries to body and mind, and as it watches their families make the ultimate sacrifice all the while betrayed by Congress.

Every one of these scoundrels should be impeached starting with the President who has violated the Constitution so blatantly that there is no explanation other than a vicious power grab by a totalitarian.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

U.S. Militarism Destroys Lives (And The Dollar!)

With a crisis looming - one that has been growing over many years thanks to the Keynesian quackery practiced by Congress, the Federal Reserve, and all of the Presidents for a century - there is still very little will on the part of government or by the people, for the most part, to stop spending beyond our means.

The empire-building that is unconstitutional is about to reach its limit. As Ron Paul says about the ending of empires in this interview: "the wars are always fought with inflation, that is, with the destruction of the monetary system." Americans cannot fathom that the U.S. could end just like and just as quickly as the Soviet Union ended, stretched to its breaking point by its war in Afghanistan!

Quickly educate yourself and everyone you know about sound money, free market economics, and liberty so that when the pieces are being picked up America can reform as an ethical and just society.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Friday, March 4, 2011

Human Rights Not Union Rights!

If I want to work for an employer, even if others do not want to, it is my right, my human right to do so.

Unions are violators of the human rights of individuals and also unions are the violators of the property rights of the individuals who are striving to produce goods and services in society.

Reliance on coercion is clear evidence that unions are oppressive. And unions are in-themselves a type of corruption as is evident throughout its entire structure.

Market competition is the natural protector of productive workers and of the producers of goods and services. It is not the thuggery of unions. In other words, unions are the protectors of both unproductive workers and the destroyers of productive enterprises.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Four Steps To Protect Our Human Rights From The Socialists.

Step One:
Step Two:
  • Allow gold and silver to compete as currencies.
Step Three:
  • Reduce the size of government by eliminating government-associated arbitration services.
Step Four:
  • Complete the 'opt out' process by allowing people to keep all of their income.
Meanwhile those who choose to stay in the socialist system will ultimately realize its ridiculousness.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Is The Patriot Act The Seed Of Nazism In America?

Who are the ones who think that the government should disregard our Constitutional rights of privacy? Has America become a surveillance State? Are Americans idle - just sitting back uninvolved - allowing a grotesque entity to emerge in our midst, one that is foreign to what the Founding Fathers of America established?

This is the kind of complacency that enabled Hitler to institute Nazism. This is the kind of ignorance and fascism on the part of politicians that enabled Nazism to become institutionalized.

Is "the land of the free" a thing of the past?

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Monday, January 31, 2011

Let's Hope For A Federated Egypt.

How diverse is Egypt? If it can use the energy of this revolution for regional secessions and then federate that region of the world known as Egypt, then it will become ready for the greater federation of all of the seceded regions eventually occurring all over the world.

Nationhood went down the wrong path and turned into the ego-driven State (corrupt and obsolete) all over the planet and now we are entering the period where federated, distinct regions of rich and diverse cultures practicing the principles of classical liberalism has become the unstoppable trend and a sign of maturity and modern civilization.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Friday, January 14, 2011

Your Life (And Others') Is A Human Right, Protect It!

Do not become cannon fodder for the liars and the terrorists who claim to be patriots.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}